BDSM Sessions with London Mistress
BDSM sessions with London Mistress Lady Godiva
“What will happen to me?” I hear you ask. “How do I know if I’ll like BDSM?” “How should I approach Her?” Well much of whether this BDSM session ends up being a successful encounter depends entirely upon you.
I like a nice, polite email enquiry to start with. That always gets My attention far better than something rude or offhand. Make a point of reading My website, as it details the best way to get in touch. There’s even a contact form containing questions, so half the thinking is already done for you. My website clearly states that I do not offer sexual services, so can you imagine My disdain when I find that someone has obviously not bothered to read this?
So you’ve finally plucked up the courage to fill out the contact form, or you’ve drafted a courteous email asking Me how I am and outlining your interests. What next? I’ll tell you what next. You wait. Occasionally I will reply immediately. That’s when you’ve been lucky and found Me catching up on My emails right now. Usually it will be the same day that I reply, but sometimes it takes a few days, as I have a very interesting and busy life. Patience is a virtue.
However, having said that, I do understand the anguish of anticipation. Sometimes it can feel as though one will burst if a reply does not come soon. It has been known for emails to lurk in my junk folder and be unseen for a few weeks. For that reason I will allow you to follow up on your email enquiry if you have not heard from Me within a couple of days. I will not punish you unduly for this 😉
I read your email and hopefully it excites Me enough to consider having a session with you. If you have put your phone number in the email, rest assured I will not ring it unless you have let Me know a convenient day and time to do so. I will email to ask you for further details. We will then agree upon a date, time and location.
I like to ask for a £50 deposit to secure the booking. I’ll then send you My mobile number and details of the location. I like to have a chat over the ‘phone a day or so before the BDSM session, as I feel both of us will benefit from this.
You will arrive at the location at the agreed time. We have a pre-session chat to settle the nerves and make sure everything is OK, then you’ll change and the session starts. Afterwards there will be time for a chat about how it all went. “But what happens between getting changed and the after-session chat?” you ask.
The session itself will last an hour or however long you have booked. Every session is different. You may have provided copious details of your interests and how you envisage the session to unfold. This can work well and many very happy slaves have headed out the door after such a session. But don’t try to ‘top from the bottom’ thinking that I need to be instructed and manipulated, like a puppet on a string. It won’t work as I will spot this and will reprimand you! On the other hand, sensible suggestions are welcome.
“Oh how on Earth am I going to ever find the right balance in BDSM?” you cry. Ask Me. It’s that simple. Right from the start you have that opportunity. In the email conversations and especially during the pre-session chat. I’ll soon let you know if something is not right.
I’ve held all sorts of BDSM sessions from abductions to foot and boot worship, feminisation and housework, to total deprivation and torture. Obviously the extreme sessions are by request. I wouldn’t dream of totally surprising a complete newbie novice with an unplanned needle play session. Nor would I use My cane on someone who says they can’t handle any kind of pain.
If you’re stuck for ideas, you can of course just leave the whole thing to Me. Let Me know 3 things you like or like the sound of, and 3 things you hate or really don’t wish to try. I’ll work out the rest. I have a talent for judging the dynamics and situation. So although you’ll be pushed a little out of your comfort zone (and wouldn’t you be disappointed if you weren’t) I’ll not push too far during our first meeting. Well at least I’ll try not to.
I must confess it hasn’t gone perfectly every single time. There was a slave who’d asked for corporal punishment and role play. He was so traumatised being interrogated by Me as a military officer, that he fled after just 10 minutes. I’d not had a chance to even start on the corporal punishment part. How disappointing! Mind you, by 9.30 that evening he emailed to book another session, which went very well by the way…just with no role-play included that time.
I have some special regulars who return time and time again. I enjoying building the relationship so that each session grows and flourishes. I know them inside and out…quite literally in some cases!
I can be kind, but only where kindness is appropriate. I have no patience for brattish behaviour. Sulk at your own peril. I can be understanding, but not when you are being over demanding. I can be forgiving, but not when you are being petulant. I can be sensuous and seductive, but not when you are being needy or overbearing. I can be everything you ever wished for, or I can be your worst nightmare….the choice is yours and Mine but definitely not in that order.
Are you ready?
Lady Godiva holds most of Her BDSM sessions at the Hoxton Dungeon Suite, Better Than a Bed and two private dungeons – one between The Oval and Brixton, and the other not far from Dartford in Kent. Other locations can be arranged.

What does BDSM mean to Lady Godiva?
Even the letters BDSM mean different things to different people. Some say it’s strictly ‘bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism’, while others insist the D is for dominance and the S for submission. I don’t feel it really matters all that much, as BDSM seems to have become a word in its own right. Reference to BDSM is fairly commonplace these days, even more so since the recent popularity of ‘50 Shades of Grey’ in today’s mainstream society.
To Me BDSM is a delicious combination of many things, all wrapped up in a spicy, electric blanket of fun. It’s all things kink…whatever that means to anyone. For some that means an occasional buttock spank while making love; while for others it’s being locked naked and alone in a dark cell for hours, after a cruel beating.
I see it as truly limitless. An infinite expanse of imagination and human consciousness. But to Me, most of all it’s fun. I do love a sense of humour and a rapport with My clients, even if this is just in the pre-session chat. Don’t get Me wrong, I can be very stern and serious in a session, but I have also had many occasions where all that can be heard is laughter from both / all of us. Being too serious just for the sake of it isn’t what it’s all about to Me.
Different strokes for different folks. Something that makes one person reel back in horror, is the ultimate pleasure to another. Take foot fetish and foot worship, for instance. Some people cannot abide anyone touching their feet, or worse still the thought of touching someone else’s. Yet for a huge percentage of people, foot worship is something they have craved and obsessed about since very early childhood. They may not necessarily refer to it as ‘fun’, but certainly very a pleasurable experience indeed. Sacred moments when they feel truly at service to their Mistress.
Mention ‘ballbusting’ to most people and they wince at the mere thought…be they male or female. Whereas this is a very popular kink with online forums and interest groups worldwide. I’m sure there are far more mainstream ‘vanilla’ types that would really enjoy it, if only they allowed themselves to try.
However much I already know about BDSM, as with everything in life, there is always so much more to learn. That really keeps the whole thing alive for Me. I’ve always enjoyed learning new skills and expanding My experiences, and love hearing about unusual kinks and interests. I particularly enjoy the part I play in enabling someone to live their dreams.
So what is it? It’s the dynamic between Domme/Dom and sub (D/s) which must be respected and tended well, in order for it to flourish. It’s the skipped heartbeat and sparkle in the eye when the playroom door opens; the anticipation and yearning that comes from whispering your interests to an understanding ‘other’. And it’s the feeling of completeness when you know that you have been true to yourself.
So come hither and whisper in My ear. I’m always listening!
Lady Godiva is a BDSM London Mistress who holds most of Her sessions in and around London and Kent

Ballbusting extravaganza by Ballbusting London Mistress Lady Godiva
What do I like about ballbusting? Well what is there not to like? With My years of martial arts training I have a strong, swift kick that surprises many a sub, plus a grip of iron that should truly terrify you. Think not of Me as a weak, pathetic female! You have been warned!
I see ballbusting as a fine art rather than brute force and ignorance. Punches and kicks need to be well aimed or many will hit the thigh and other areas, missing that ‘sweet spot’ only to be found within a scrotal sack. This really doesn’t have the same effect at all.
Although I can play hard – very hard – I can also gauge exactly how hard to play when dealing with a cautious newbie who is just trying things out. This is very important so as not to put someone off; spoiling all the fun and enjoyment they could be getting. Just enough to test the limits without taking things too far.
I’ve been perfecting My kicks and punches for years. Many an hour spent hitting pads and targets. Often human, moving targets which is so much more fun. It takes skill to be able to punch and kick with power, especially from a short distance. This has proved very useful particularly in the small confines of some dungeons I know, but also when someone is trussed into a position where access to the vital area is somewhat limited. I can simply exert a sudden burst of pressure through the ball of My foot, without even needing to break contact, and still end up packing a strong kick. I delight in the look on the face of My victims with that trick!
I’m always on the lookout for a new workout to keep fit and ballbusting fits right in there alongside aerobics and bootcamp. Especially when I’m lucky enough to be face to face with a painslut that just wants Me to keep going. Oh did I mention that I never tire? Well I don’t. My stamina levels are very high and I love to work up a good sweat. So if you really want to test your limits, then you’ve come to the right place.
But it’s not just punches and kicks I that are My specialities. Once I get hold of your dangly bits there’s no escape. With just My hands you’ll be lifted up onto tippy toes, desperately trying to get higher to lessen the pain. All the while listening to Me laughing as I watch your pathetic attempt to make things easier for yourself.
I love to stretch, twist, pull and squeeze. Like putty in My hands…oh joy! This is all without the need for any equipment whatsoever. Once gadgets are added to the mix, along with My furtive imagination, you’d better break out the smelling salts because you’re in for a rough ride.
I’m always on the lookout for a new way to bust balls. There are many things designed for such fun, but I like the use of simple household implements too, such as barbeque tongs…snip, snap. Every time I go shopping I spot something. Nut crackers, staplers, bendy rulers, golf balls (good target practice), elastic bands, meat tenderisers, ping pong bats, wood clamps, the list goes on. A length of twine always comes in handy, oh and the things I can do with a rolling pin!! Where’s My apron?
I have a particularly evil pair of boots that I like to wear on occasion, but I must say one of My most powerful kicks wearing those would not be for the faint-hearted. Anyone care to try?
Lady Godiva is a ballbusting London Mistress who holds most of Her sessions in and around London and Kent